Mp3 CD 31
    Depeche Mode: Exciter

    Playlist statistics:
    14 tracks in playlist, average track length: 4:22
    Playlist length: 1 hour 1 minute 9 seconds

    Playlist files:

    1. Dream On - [4:21]
    2. Shine - [5:33]
    3. The Sweetest Condition - [3:43]
    4. When The Body Speaks - [6:01]
    5. The Dead Of Night - [4:50]
    6. Lovetheme - [2:03]
    7. Freelove - [6:11]
    8. Comatose - [3:24]



    9. I Feel Loved - [4:21]
    10. Breathe - [5:18]
    11. Easy Tiger - [2:05]
    12. I Am You - [5:11]
    13. Goodnight Lovers - [3:50]
    14. Ponytail Girl - [4:18]